半岛取款可以秒到账的以“弘毅”为校训,以“养德、开智、健体、立美”为办学理念,以“弘毅、乐育”为校园文化特色,以培养德才兼备、全面发展的高素质人才为目标。半岛取款可以秒到账的学生交响乐团曾赴匈牙利、美国、奥地利等访问演出,在省内外享有较高声誉;半岛取款可以秒到账的男女排球队、乒乓球队、田径队、健美操队、学生合唱团等多次获全国和省内大奖;半岛取款可以秒到账的电视台、校园广播站、周末文化艺术广场、半岛取款可以秒到账的学生模拟联合国大会等丰富多彩的文化活动,给广大学生提供了发挥特长的良好环境;半岛取款可以秒到账的创办的《中学教育科研》、学生创办的《弘毅采风》《九思》杂志丰富了校园文化内容,提升了校园文化品位。半岛取款可以秒到账的于2000年被评为首批“甘肃省首批省级示范性高中”,国务院原副总理李岚清、教育部原部长周济来校视察时对半岛取款可以秒到账的教育工作给予了充分肯定。2007年被教育部授予“全国教育系统先进集体”称号,2012年被评为全国“特色半岛取款可以秒到账的”, 2014年以来被甘肃省委宣传部、甘肃省教育厅授予“甘肃省中小学德育示范半岛取款可以秒到账的”、被甘肃省教育厅授予“甘肃省普通高中特色实验半岛取款可以秒到账的”、被国家教育部、国家体育总局授予“全国体育传统项目半岛取款可以秒到账的”称号。
办公室:09318824122 教务处:09318821653 学生处:09318874358
教研处:09318874768 总务处:09318873566 外联部:09314636403
Founded in 1902 (the 28th year of the emperor Guangxu, Qing Dynasty), Lanzhou No.1 Senior High School had “Gansu Higher School” as its original name. It was the first modern institution in Gansu Province. All the time except the period of 1966-1976, our school has long been directed by the provincial department directly.
During the last century, our school has been renamed several times(“Gansu Wen Higher School”in 1903; “Gansu Provincial Senior High School” in 1912; “Gansu Provincial Senior High School of Lanzhou” in 1936; “Lanzhou No.1 Senior High School” since 1953) and experienced decline and prosperity, but still remains a place where students can not only acquire knowledge from textbooks but also accept strong beliefs and set up long-range ideals ceaselessly. Based in Gansu province, we have been cultivating thousands of talents who have made distinguished contributions to the development of Gansu and our country. Lanzhou No.1 Senior High School has always been pioneering in the process of educational revolution and innovation, offering students various kinds of classes, such as Russian class, simple normal class, commerce class, ethnic minority class, Olympic Math class, music/sports specialty class, physics & chemistry elite class, and international class(in which students intend to apply for foreign universities), etc. Since the restoration of the College Entrance Examination system, 14 tops have graduated from our school.
Our school motto “Hongyi”, which comes from The Analects of Confucius, means “having high aspirations and determination”. Our schooling philosophy is “Nurturing ethics, inspiring intelligence, promoting physical health and cultivating aesthetic concept”. Our unique cultural features are “Hongyi” and “Leyu(Being Happy while teaching)”. Above all, we aim at fostering professional, ethical and highly qualified graduates through all-round development. The Students’ Symphony Orchestra has been invited to perform in Hungary, America, and Austria and their excellent performance enjoys high reputation in China. The school volleyball team, table tennis team, track and field team, sports aerobics team and the students’ choir have won many prizes in all kinds of games and competitions both at provincial and national level. Among the rich and colorful activities are the TV station and campus radio station, the activity which called “The Weekend Culture and Art Square”, and the “Simulation General Assembly of the United Nations”, which offer students a good platform to develop various specialty. Apart form that, two magazines, Honhyi Caifeng and Jiusi, founded by students themselves, not only enrich the content of school life, but also enhance students’ culture standard.
Lanzhou No.1 Senior High School was entitled one of “the first Provincial Demonstrative Ordinary High Schools” in 2000. Li Lanqing, former Vice Premier and Zhou Jilai, former Minister of Education successively inspected our school and thought highly of our schooling. We are awarded as “National Advanced Collective of the Educational System” in September, 2007, and “National Distinctive School” in 2012. Since 2014, we have been crowned as “Moral Education Advanced Unit in Gansu Province” by the Provincial Department of Publicity and Ministry of Education, and “Provincial Distinctive General Senior High School” by Provincial Ministry of Education, as well as “National Advanced Traditional Sports School” by Ministry of Education and General Administration of Sport.
Currently, our school has 49 classes, over 2900 students, 207 teachers and administrative staff. Among the teachers are 100 senior teachers and 70 first-grade teachers, 2 superfine teachers, 2 teachers with a title of Longyuan master, a teacher with a tile of Jincheng master, 20 backbone teachers and 5 academic leading teachers at provincial level, who have been working at the forefront of teaching and research. During the last three years of Provincial Curriculum Reform, under the guidance of the New Curriculum Reform and the leadership of the Provincial Department of Education, the current leadership has stuck to the educational objectives of CPC. Sticking to the approach of “two implementations and a goal”, we have been dedicated to enriching the pool of teachers, refining post management, and placing greater emphasis on teaching. Two of our students won the first place of Gansu in liberal arts successively in 2011 and 2012’s Chinese College Entrance Examination. Right after that, due to the further advancement of teaching quality, the percentage of successful application to key universities has soared in 2013, 2014 and 2015. In the 2017’s College Entrance Examination, in Liberal Arts classes, the percentage of successful application to ordinary universities reached 98%, and the enrollment of key universities reached 86%; in Science classes, the former reached 99%, and the latter 92%. Our students once again made the first and the second place of Gansu Province in Science in 2017. The current school leadership is inheriting the pragmatic style and carrying forward the innovative spirit in developing the century-old school, which is now full of vigor and dynamism.
Contact us:
Office Tel: 0931—8824122
School Liaison Tel: 0931—4636403 1764390172@qq.com
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